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Saturday, May 22, 2010

Graduation & Post Secondary Education.....What do these have in common?

I was just yesterday reminded of how many people are just about to miss a possibly life altering deadline. A lady called and asked about getting help with her child’s college costs. Her son was graduating in two weeks from high school, and he was already accepted at Central. The financial aid was not enough to cover tuition, fees, books, and room and board. She need the boy’s father to “kick in”, but he was unwilling to commit. What could she do?

Well, under most child support orders, these people had just two weeks to start the legal process necessary to get the help with post-secondary costs. In most cases, the graduation date is the “drop dead” date to ask a court to make a ruling on this subject. Sure, there are exceptions, but I don’t see them very often.

The hard fact is, if you want to be sure that both parents will contribute for college, trade school, etc. You need to take action today! If you wait too long, you may loose the right to get the help you and your child need.